Due to popular demand, The Morningside Players will be extending its production of Fences until June 7th. Directed by Arthur French, this August Wilson family drama is the sixth in his ten-part “Pittsburgh Cycle” examining the 20th century Black experience in America. This installment centers around Troy Maxon, a former Negro baseball league star who now works collecting garbage in 1957 Pittsburgh. The turmoil over his lot in life takes its toll on his marriage and his relationship with his son who wants his own opportunity to play baseball. Troy’s spirit is tested in new ways as he discovers how to cope in this new world. This story explores a crucial part of what is means to be Black in America and is still as poignant today as it was when it was set.
The Morningside Players was founded in 1974 with a mission to present “vibrant, meaningful new works and classic plays to our Morningside Heights community and beyond”. Using community and professional actors, the company has seen great success over the decades and was the recipient of the 2014 AUDELCO Award for Best Revival for their production of The Old Settler.
Their current production of the Pulitzer and Tony Award winning Fences has been moving audiences for the past few weeks with its deft direction and sterling performances. This timeless story of love, family, and redemption is not to be missed.
The added performances of The Morningside Players production of Fences by August Wilson are Friday, June 5th and Sunday, June 7th. For tickets and more information, visit www.morningsideplayers.org
Watch a clip from the 2010 Broadway production starring Denzel Washington and Viola Davis below.