This production will be a radical reimagining of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s iconic dance musical Cats based on Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats by T. S. Eliot. Inspired by...
The cast of The Who’s TOMMY features Ali Louis Bourzgui as Tommy, Alison Luff as Mrs. Walker, Adam Jacobs as Captain Walker, John Ambrosino as Uncle Ernie, Bobby Conte as Cousin Kevin, and Christina Sajous as The...
The Wiz revival Producers Kristin Caskey, Mike Isaacson, Brian Anthony Moreland, Ambassador Theatre Group, Kandi Burruss, and Todd Tucker have unveiled an exciting glimpse...
MCC Theater, under the leadership of Co-Artistic Directors Bernie Telsey and Will Cantler, along with Executive Director Blake West, has unveiled an exciting lineup...
Classic Stage Company, under the leadership of Jill Rafson as Producing Artistic Director, recently made an announcement that has both disappointed and excited theatre...
In an exciting announcement from the Perelman Performing Arts Center (PAC NYC), the upcoming production of Cats: “The Jellicle Ball” is set to captivate...
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