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Behind The Scenes

Motown: The Musical Makes Millions

The producers of the First National Tour of Motown: The Musical definitely have something to sing about as the show has grossed more than $62.5 million in its first year on the road. The importance of these numbers relates to the increasing demand for diversity in the entertainment industry as this production features a predominately African-American cast.

The past year of film and television has seen the small beginnings of real diversity in the stories being told and who is telling them. From the actors who are seen, to the writers and directors behind the camera, America is finally starting to see itself. Happily, that is now extending to the stage. The tour of Motown:The Musical has been across the nation and is projected to have been seen by over 1 million people by this summer. Furthermore, producers and theaters are commissioning work by, and seeking to cast artists of color at a higher rate than ever. These facts in no way suggest that this change is anywhere near complete for there is still work to be done, but it is good to know that the box office is reflecting progress.

Motown: The Musical is based on the true story of how Motown founder Berry Gordy became a music mogul. It features over 40 Motown hits by artists such as Diana Ross, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jacskon, Smokie Robinson, Rick James, Marvin Gaye, and many more. The First National Tour is directed by Charles Randolph-Wright and choreographed by Patricia Wilcox and Warren Adams. For tour dates, tickets, and more information, visit

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